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How to Engage

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How to Engage

From Idea to Implementation in 8 Steps with SISS
1. Enquiry

You send us your idea in any shape and form and we contact you in the next 24-hours for a quick interview.

2. Estimate

We analyze collected information and come back to you with initial ballpark estimate and engagement plan. This may take several days, during which we stay in close contact with you to discuss new ideas, clarify requirements and inform you about our progress. Our goal here is to give you enough information to assess feasibility of the project as quickly as possible.

2. Discovery
Symbolic India Software Solutions

Having engagement plan agreed and approved we start discovery phase during which we study your project requirements, environment and processes in-depth. This will result in a 360-view of the future project that includes functional requirements, architectural solution, development roadmap, project staffing, infrastructure, duration and costs, communication plan and project governance model. In many cases we prefer discovery phase to start with a series of face-to-face meetings to maximize efficiency of communications and establish personal contact. For that, our key project personnel will come to your premises or we'll be equally happy to see you in one of our offices. Depending on size of the project this phase may take from 1 to 6 weeks.

4. Contract

We send you development contract and begin assembling project team. We understand that contract negotiation can take a while and in many cases we start setting up project infrastructure long before paperwork is actually completed to keep the momentum.

5. Production

This is where all technical work takes place. We believe that open communication is the key to success of any project, regardless of its size, methodology or technology chosen. We'll do everything to build and maintain that "one goal, one team" culture in the project team and we expect the same from you.

6. Launch

This is where all technical work takes place. We believe that open communication is the key to success of any project, regardless of its size, methodology or technology chosen. We'll do everything to build and maintain that "one goal, one team" culture in the project team and we expect the same from you.

7. Maintenance and Support

Even simplest software projects require maintenance and support. We understand that and we are always ready to provide post-production support if necessary in addition to our standard warranty period.

8. Hand-over

When the time comes for us to step aside, we will provide all necessary resources to perform smooth and seamless handover of the project to your team. We'll help your staff to get up to speed with project deliverables and infrastructure and we'll always stay just one phone call away to answer your questions.

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